Q and A


My drug is labelled ‘LA75’…

I was using TLD and today I went to the another hospital they give me LA75 is it the same drug?(does it work the same)


Hi, how are you doing?

‘LA75’ is usually lamivudine. Lamviudine is part of TLD but it is not the entire combination. Were you given any other tablets?

It is best to check this with your pharmacist or the doctor who prescribed this at the hospital.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Issa, please speak with your partner about this.

  2. Issa

    Bonjour !
    Mon je viens de voir un comprimé blanc et marqué LA75 dans l’armoire de mon partenaire et j’ai peur vraiment.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Boni, sharing a toothbrush with an HIV positive person is not a risk for transmission. You do not need to take PEP. For more information about transmission please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  4. Boni

    Please can I take pep if I mistakenly share a toothbrush with an infected patient??

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Aisha, how long did you stop taking it for? How did your body react when you were on it before? If you had no reactions previously there would be no problem to continue taking it now. Do you know your current CD4 count and viral load?

  6. Aisha

    I have been using la-75 but I stopped using it for some wine and I continue using it now so how is it going to react on my body system

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pretty, LA75 can be used to prevent as PEP and treat HIV. It is only one drug and both PEP and treatment require a combination of drugs e.g., LA75 would be used with other treatments.

  8. Pretty

    LA75 is used after being affected by HIV or before being affected

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mugaya, please speak to your doctor about this. i-base are not doctors and are unable to provide medical advice.

  10. Mugaya

    How to treat ringworm


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