Will I stay undetectable if I stop taking meds?
13 August 2022. Related: Adherence, All topics, CD4 and viral load.
If someone is undetectable and stopped taking meds, how can viruses get up, how long will viral load start getting up again with meds after stopped taking meds?
I know it’s not good to stop taking meds, but after how long will the virus be active again from undetectable status without meds??
Hi, how are you doing?
Starting from an undetectable viral load, viral load would being to rebound within a week. Soon after it will then increase at a greater speed and your viral load will be that of someone not on medication.
This is why HIV treatment is needed everyday, because how quickly HIV viral load can rebound in the body.
Hi Frod, this is already done now and luckily everything is still likely to be fine. Please try to find ways to get into a schedule going forwards so that it doesn’t happen again. This link has lots of tips including using a pill box, or your phone alarm, or picking the same time each day that is part of your daily routine.
Hi i forgot to take my hiv medicine(ARTS) for 4 days because i forgot, now i am panicked since i am scared it’s effectiveness might be affected. Help me clarified this please since i just started my medication two months ago and it is still new.
Hi Mara, Trivenz and Trenvir are the same treatment. They have different names because they have been made by different manufacturers but they work the same way.
How much has your CD4 count dropped by? As your viral load is still being suppressed, this would mean that HIV is not able to affect your CD4 count. CD4 measures are not always accurate because they can be affected by recent illness, exercise or even the time of day the blood is drawn. This is explained here:
Have you been given a CD4 percentage? This is a more accurate way of seeing if your count has actually fallen, or if it has remained within a suitable range.
I May 2022 I was changed to Trivenz from Trinvir. I recently went for my bloods and the CD4 count was extremely low but I was told the virus is still suppressed. I must admit I was not taking my meds everyday and on time and also I was drinking every weekend but not heavy.
Now I am confused is it the change of meds or is it me not taking the meds everyday and drinking that caused the decrease in the CD4 count