
I didn’t double dose for on-demand PrEP…

Since I took PrEP on-demand by using the method 1:1:1 instead of 2:1:1 did it give me a bit of protection, or not at all?

I took the first pill around 1 pm, I had sex around 10 pm and then I took 1 pill the day after and another one after two days..


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes, taking the 1 pill instead of 2 is still going to provide you with some protection. It is always better to have something rather than nothing.

There are also other factors of sex that will change the risk.

Is there a reason you only took one pill on the first day?



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi James, thanks, this is fine. You started with a double dose and then took daily PrEP every day until two days after you last had sex. the Sunday dose wasn’t needed either way.

    This guide has more details:

  2. James

    Hi, saw some similar questions I would like to know if my dosage sequence below was enough after unprotected sex.

    17 Feb Mon – 2 pills @ 3pm (no sex)
    18 Feb Tue – No sex , 0 pills
    19 Feb Wed – 2 pills @ 8:30pm (no sex)
    20 Feb Thurs – 1 pill @ 8:30pm
    20 Feb Thurs – Sex 10pm-2am
    21 Feb Fri – 1 pill @ 6pm
    22 Feb Sat – 1 pill @ 8pm
    23 Feb Sun – 1 Pill @ 8pm (unsure but most likely)

    I am entirely sure if I took that last prep pill on 23rd Feb. So am worried that the pill on 22nd Feb is not enough. Am I still protected if I didn’t take the pill on 23rd?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Es, please do not worry. The double-dose to start will have given you good protection. Even though some researchers think that 2:1:1 will be good, in the UK women are advised to use 2:7 dosing. This means continuing daily PrEP for 7 days after sex rather than just two days.

  4. Es

    Hello, I am a female, this is my first time of using prep, I didn’t use it for 1 week first ( just finding out I’m supposed to do that), but I did the 2:1:1 when I had unprotected sex with a man I didn’t know his status, do you think I am fine? I’m so scared..

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Jonie, please see this guide for info on 2:1:1 dosing.

    Whatever your partners history or HIV status, 2:1:1 will protect you against HIV. I don’t know why you did 2:2:1:1:1:1:1:1:1?

  6. Jonie

    Hallo! I used 2-1-1 method of Prep. On Saturday I decided to take 2 tablets of Prep coz I was planning to meet someone from gay dating site. But on Sunday we cancelled our meet up due to some reasons. On that same day, someone messaged me and wants to see me on the following day (Monday) so I decided to take another 2 tablets on that day (Sunday) @ 11PM. On Monday we meet at 8PM and had unprotected sex. He doesn’t take prep and I tried to stop him but he begged to have it without condom but he withdraw it when he was about to ejaculate and eventually done it on my stomach. I am still paranoid. Though he said that he tested negative last December 2024. But he had also have unprotected sex with other people. He also had sex with a hiv+ years ago but still he is hiv- negative as of December 2024. After I got home, I took my 1 dose Prep at 11:45PM. I am planning to continue taking 1 tablet per day prep for 7 days. My question is, am I really protected? Am I also doing the right things? Thank you in advance for the answer.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Pablo, regularly taking four or more PrEP pills every week will protect you very well against HIV. Most people who are HIV positive are also on treatment and an undetectable viral load also prevents any risk. Please see this guide for info on PrEP dosing:

  8. Pablo

    Hello Simon. I take PrEP, but i must confess not everyday. If I have to say an aprox. i would be 4 per week, sometimes it can be more. It turns out that this Saturday I had sex with a guy hiv+. 7 day before, I was decided to take two pills of PrEP to start over, I continued to take the pills every day, i.e. sun, mon, tue, wed, but thur. and friday I forget them. On Saturday, I took one pill again and after one hour after, I had unproductive sex with a guy HIV+ (I found out before had sex). I was the top and my penis was like 5 minutes inside of him. I’m really worry about, becuase I don’t know his real statuts. After I had sex, 1 hour later, I took another pill of PrEP. Do you think I am on risk of getting HIV?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Kalle

    If this is just about one time in the past, then you are likely to be fine. This is because four single doses in any seven days still produces good protection.

    For the future though, please try to stick to 2:1:1.

    This is because there is something special about the double dose that produces better protection.

  10. Kalle

    I’m just wondering
    I take prep on demand, the usual schedule 2-1-1. But I’m curious if I only take one tablet continuously 2 days before sexual interaction, and then continue 2 days efter. Will that provide the same protection as taking 2 tablets before sex?
    So instead of 2-1-1
    You take 1-1-1-1

    Best regards


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