Q and A


Viral load more than 200…

If the virus is over 200, what does it mean?


HI, how are you?

If the viral load is over 200 it means that U=U does not apply. This means there is some risk that HIV can be transmitted via sex.

Do you know what your viral load is? If you are on medication and your viral load is still low e.g., 1000. It means your medication is still working. There is risk of transmission but this is much less than if you were untreated and had a viral load above 100000.

Depending on how high the viral load is, it does mean that HIV could still be damaging your immune system. This is measured by your CD4 count. Do you know what yours is? A healthy range is between 430 and 1690. Lower than this and you are at risk for other infections.



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