
Can I restart treatment after 2 months?

Hi, I am 41 years old and was diagnosed HIV positive last year when I was pregnant. I started treatment immediately, my GP prescribed Atroiza. I have been taking them nicely and gave birth safely. I stopped taking ARVs 2 months ago because I still cant believe i’m HIV positive, so now I wanna go back to my treatment again, am I still safe?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having your baby.

Yes it is safe to go back on treatment. Have you had a viral load test done recently? To make sure the medication is working it’s recommended to have a viral load test for a month after you re-start treatment.

Have you been able to speak with anyone about testing positive? Has there been support from friends/family or your GP. Testing positive is difficult and can require a huge life adjustment. It is important that you speak about your concerns and have an understanding about HIV. In most cases this will help you understand that with ART, there shouldn’t be any impact on your health.

How were you managing with Atroiza? Did you notice any side effects or were you managing alright with the treatment?

Have you considered joining any peer groups?



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