
I missed my dose of PEP for 36 hours?

I travelled and forgot to take with me my PE tablets only to return home after 36 hours. Is it still ok to continue with the treatment after skipping for such a long time?


Hi, how are you doing?

How far along in your course of PEP are you? and what medication for PEP are you using?

Most medications used for PEP have a long half life. This means they remain active in the body for a while after 24 hours. For this reason continuing with PEP can still be effective.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Alice, if you missed a dose of any meds then just take it when you remember and continue as recommended. Please DO NOT take more than one dose to try to make up for the missed doses.

  2. Alice

    What happens if u miss a pep dose for more than 48 hours due to unforseen circumstances….then take it afterwards which is past 48 hours

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi AJ, no you do not need to be worried. It is okay to miss/be late with a dose during the course of PEP.

    You do not need to change the time of treatment. You can continue taking PEP at your regular time between 6-7pm for the duration of treatment.

    This will not have had any impact on how effective PEP is.

    For more information about PEP please see here:

  4. AJ

    Hi Josh.. I’m on day 9 of my pep. So I take pep everyday at 6 to 7pm. This past thursday, I fell asleep early and forgot to take my dosage. I took my dosage again on Friday at 12:33pm.. Should I be worried? Also, now.that I took it at 12:33pm, should I continue to take it at that time, or continue to take it at 6-7pm?? Please help, it’s in NYC, and I don’t know what to do.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi MelanieB, yes you are still okay to take PEP. Missing one dose of PEP during the course is unlikely to have any impact on how effective the course is.

    Have you continued taking PEP as normal at your regular time?

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  6. MelanieB

    Hi, I missed a dose of Ranega PEP for 33 hours, I took it immediately once I remembered. I am on a course for 30 days and this is day 14. Am I still okay to take PEP? How is the effectiveness affected in this case?