Q and A


Is it less risky to be a 'top'?

I had unprotected sex with a man who later told me he was HIV positive. I have been tested and am awaiting the results, but the anxiety is killing me! He kept saying there is less chance of catching it if you are top but honestly I am very worried. Is there any truth in the guys claims? Is it likely that I am now infected?


Thank you for your question.

It is impossible to say whether or not you are likely to be infected as it depends on many different factors. Unprotected sex with anyone carries a certain degree of risk.

There is some truth in what this guy was telling you about the different in risk in being a ‘top’ rather than a ‘bottom’. For a non-technical discussion see this link though I wouldn’t agree with the numerical risk that the article quotes.

HIV transmission risks are population estimates. Some individual situations will be much higher and other much lower. For example, if the positive person has a high viral load, and the negative top is uncircumcised, the risk would be higher. The type of sex affect this (how rough, how long is takes etc), as does gnetics (which you can not test for. Some people catch HIV much easier than others.

The only way you can know if you have HIV is by doing a test. You have done the right thing by going for a test. For more information about HIV tests please follow this link