
Am I at risk for superinfection?

Hi, i’ve been on TLD for about 2 months after having a low viral load. I had non penetrative sex with someone who is on PEP for the first day. I have a bruise on my lip, am I at risk for getting super infected? and if i am superinfected how do I test this?


Hi, how are you?

No. You are not at risk. As you are taking TLD yourself, your treatment will protect you from further exposures.

There is no risk of superinfection. This will continue to be true while you are on treatment. The only risk of superinfection of someone having resistance to TLD and their HIV is transmitted. This is very rare and would require the person to not be adherent with their own treatment.

As long as you continue with your own treatment and continue to practise safe sex, you do not have a risk.



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