Q and A


Apetito to gain weight?

Currently l am on Kovatrax tablets. Due to life stress l have lost weight. Is it advisable to take apetito whilst on ARVs or are there other supplements l can use to gain weight?


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry but I can’t find anything online that lists the ingredients of this supplement. In general though, there is also no evidence that most supplements to any of the things that they claim.

Kovatrax includes dolutegravir, which can be affected by supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and calcium, Please see this info at this link for how to separate time taking your meds:

How much weight have you lost? There is little to no evidence about how well weight gain supplements work. It would be recommended to gain weight with developing muscle bulk and increasing the intake of a balanced diet.

As your weight loss has been linked with your stress, do you have any ideas how to reduce this? Regardless of how you are planning to gain weight, if you are not addressing being stressed this will still have an effect on your weight.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thandiwe, if you have noticed a lump please go to your doctor to have it checked. Apetito does not cause your bum to sag or cause lumps.

  2. Thandiwe

    Hi does apetito make your bum to sag or have Un usual lump on the actual bum iv been taking them for over 3months now I notice a strange what looks like a lump so am not sure if it’s the pills

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Grace, congratulations on having a baby. How much weight have you lost?

    No. Apetito pills should not be taken while breastfeeding.

    These pills contain an antihistamine which is used to treat hay fever/allergies.

    This can pass through the breastmilk and be fed to baby. This can lead to baby having problems breathing and increased tiredness.

  4. Grace

    hi, am a breastfeeding mother, and ive lost so much weight. i really struggle to gain weight. is it safe to start taking appetito pills while breastfeeding?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zintle, yes you can use these. They will not interact with your treatment. Have you tried gaining weight without pills e.g., muscle training and increased calorie intake?

  6. Zintle

    Hey , I want to gain wait I don’t have any weight problems but I just want to gain weight , is it okay if I take the pills.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Elvis, apetito pills do not contain alcohol.

  8. Elvis

    Do apetito tablets contain any alcohol ?if so how many percent?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nomusa, how much weight have you lost? and over how long?

  10. Nomusa

    Hi I’m on tld treatment en I’m losing too much weight is it good if I take apetito pills


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