Apetito to gain weight?
4 March 2023. Related: All topics, Drug interactions, Living with HIV long-term.
Hi! Currently l am on Kovatrax tablets.
Due to life stress l have lost weight.
Is it advisable to take Apetito whilst on ARVs or are there other supplements l can use to gain weight?
Hi, how are you doing?
I am sorry but I can’t find anything online that lists the ingredients of this supplement. In general though, there is also no evidence that most supplements to any of the things that they claim.
Kovatrax includes dolutegravir, which can be affected by supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and calcium, Please see this info at this link for how to separate time taking your meds:
How much weight have you lost? There is little to no evidence about how well weight gain supplements work. It would be recommended to gain weight with developing muscle bulk and increasing the intake of a balanced diet.
As your weight loss has been linked with your stress, do you have any ideas how to reduce this? Regardless of how you are planning to gain weight, if you are not addressing being stressed this will still have an effect on your weight.
Hi Akhona, great you are doing well on treatment. What is your normal weight and height and has this changed since you have been HIV positive?
If you want to change your body weight by using an exercise plan and diet is is always better to do this slowly and steadily rather than doing this fast. Fast changes tend to reverse just as quickly. Steadily making changes to more healthier goals is much more likely to have lasting results.
Resistance training with weights can help you build body mass, but get advice from a trainer for how to do this. In the same way, protein drinks after exercise can help build muscles and as mucles weigh more than fat, this will also help you put on weight.
Hi my name is Akhona. I am HIV positive and I am on treatment but my weight is 33. My body is small and I want to gain weight can I take Apetito and how many times a week so i can Gain weight fast.
Hi Charlotte, please talk to your doctor about this so they can monitor you and so they can also give advice on planning a food plan that might help.
I have been taking tablets to stimulate my appetite for some time and have gained weight. When I try to stop then I rapidly loose weight. What can I do to stop them and still maintain my weight?
Hi Moipon, I am sorry to hear about your mother having a stroke. Have you addressed her weight loss with a doctor?
Trying to increase her weight should be discussed with a doctor to see if there are other interventions to try before giving you mother medication to help with this. Apetito only helps increase weight by increasing appetite. If your mother is having trouble eating/unsafe swallow, using this medication could be dangerous as there would be an increased risk for choking/aspiration.
Hi my mother had a stroke for 3 months Nd she is now losing weight, should I gave her apetitos
Hi Thabisa, yes Apetito will still work. You do not need to take them daily to be effective. They do not work in the same way that HIV treatment does.
I Used appetito because i wanted to gain weight……but they got finished for a week before i had money. If I start using them again will they work?
Hi Aalia, are you HIV positive? and if you are do you know your CD4 count and viral load? Are you on treatment?
Do you know your BMI? and how under weight you ae? You can calculate your BMI here: This is an easy way to figure out how underweight you are based on your height and what is typical of someone similar to you.
What have you tried to gain weight? and have you made any changes to your lifestyle recently that could make it difficult to gain weight e.g., eating less, doing more activity, increased stress, poor sleep etc…?
Am under weight and a smoke I want to gain weight please help me out