
Can I give my baby formula milk when she is on nevirapine?

I’m HIV positive and i got a 6weeks old baby. I breastfed her for the first 2weeks. In the third week, because i’ve been taking my treatment well, i decided switched to formula milk…

Can i still continue feeding her formula while she is on nevirapine?


Hi there

Thanks – and congratulations on your new baby.

The nevirapine is important for your baby whether you use formula or beast/chest milk.

Both are really safe with nevirapine.

This link has more information about different ways babies are given meds to protect against HIV. It varies in different countries:

best wishes



  1. Cynthia

    Hi my baby is almost three months I am breastfeeding him…The problem is I am almost to resume to work should I stop bresfeeding and switch to formula because I’ll b leaving him with someone else for the whole day…kindly guide me…I am using Neviparine

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Cynthia, congratulations on having a baby. Would you be able to express breastmilk so baby could be bottle fed while you are at work?

    If you are unable to do this, switching to only formula feed would be recommended. This is because going back and forth between the two feeds can increase the risk of transmission. Switching often can irritate baby’s tummy which leads to the risk of transmission.

    Switching once there is no risk as you would be switching to formula which carries no risk of HIV.

    When switching, it is likely baby will be constipated for a few days. This is normal and expected. This happens because baby just needs to get used to the new type of feed.

    Constplation on formula:

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pamella, congratulations on having a baby. As baby is still younger than 6 months it is still recommended that you only breastfeed.

    This is because moving between the different types of feed can irritate baby’s tummy. This irritation can increase the risk of transmission. After 6 months, baby has developed their tummy enough that mixing between different types of feeds will not be a problem.

    Are you able to express milk while you are not breastfeeding? This way you can give baby extra breast milk when you are not feeding to help ensure baby is eating enough.

  4. Pamella

    Hi my baby is 5month am still using breastfeeding can I use nestum for my baby becouse when we eating he crying for our food and I can see he want good

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Itumeleng, how old was baby when you stopped nevirapine? and is baby being breastfed?

  6. Itumeleng

    Am hiv positive my daughter tested hiv negative after she was born i stopped giving her nevirapine immediately i got result can she be hiv positive

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Itumeleng, after 6 weeks there is no further benefit in continuing to give baby nevirapine. This is regardless of breastfeeding or not. As you are not breastfeeding there is no further risk of exposure to baby. Are you able to have another test for baby now that they have stopped breastfeeding?

    This test will be able to confirm baby’s status and they will require no further testing after this.

  8. Itumeleng

    Hi am hiv positive i gave birth to a bay girl she tested hiv negative after she was born we got her result after 8 now shes 7 weeks and i stopped giving her nevirapine,am not breastfeeding am giving her formula can my baby be hiv positive for not getting nevirapine

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Esther, congratulations on having a baby. Have you been told by your nurse/doctor when to stop? In most cases it is recommended that baby stops nevirapine at 6 weeks (sometimes 12) even if still breastfeeding.

    When you stop breastfeeding, if baby is also taking a medication called co-trimoxazole this is no longer required.

  10. Esther

    Hi my baby is going to turn 3 months on the 22 of October so I want to give her fumular milk should I continue to give her nevarepien or when should I stop giving her


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