
Can I give my baby formula milk when she is on nevirapine?

I’m HIV positive and i got a 6weeks old baby. I breastfed her for the first 2weeks. In the third week, because i’ve been taking my treatment well, i decided switched to formula milk…

Can i still continue feeding her formula while she is on nevirapine?


Hi there

Thanks – and congratulations on your new baby.

The nevirapine is important for your baby whether you use formula or beast/chest milk.

Both are really safe with nevirapine.

This link has more information about different ways babies are given meds to protect against HIV. It varies in different countries:

best wishes



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nomsa, congratulations on having a baby. How old are they?

    Yes you can give Calpol to baby. How much Calpol you can give depends on the age of of baby. If you are unsure of how much to give please check with your pharmacist.

    It is safe to give Calpol alongside HIV medication. There is no interaction and both medications will work alongside each other.

  2. Nomsa

    Am on a treatment and my baby have flu is she safe if I give her calpol

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Thuleks, the nurse is right that you do not need to use water. Your baby only needs milkd for the first six months.

  4. Thuleks

    Hii am HIV positive I give my child water while I breastfeeding will my child be infected he was using nevirapine bt the sister said I must stop giving him

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Effie, congratulations on having a baby. It is great that both you and baby are on treatment and that you viral load is LDL.

    Giving baby water on day one is not going to risk transmission. How is baby now being fed?

    The treatment you are giving baby and being on treatment yourself means the risk of transmission is less than 1%. You are doing everything right and there is no reason to think baby will be HIV positive.

  6. Effie

    Hi, I am Effie
    I’m hiv positive and my viral load is always LDL, I gave birth in January and when my baby was one day old I gave her water because I didn’t have milk, but she is on navirapine and ziduvodine oral suspension, can she be affected with the virus…??

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anita, congratulations on having a baby. Before 6 months if you can help it baby should not be mix fed. Using both breastmilk and formula can irritate baby’s tummy. This irritation can make baby more susceptible to HIV even if you are on treatment.

    At 6 months baby will have a developed tummy and there will be no irritation caused by switching between feeds.

  8. Anitia

    I am taking ARV and am giving my baby neviropin I am breastfeeding the baby is 1 month will I risk if I also start giving the baby formula?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sierra, congratulations on having a baby. No you will not risk transmission to baby. You can still breastfeed while you are on treatment and baby is on nevirapine.

  10. Sierra

    My baby is one week old and am hiv positive. I developed wounds on the nipples. Will I infect my baby even if am suppressed and the baby is on nevirapine?


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