Q and A


Does my neuroligist need to know that I am HIV-positive?

I am taking ARVs for last 1.5 months.

From last one week I am feeling extremely weak & my left side of body is not co-ordinating.

Everthing else is fine. I can drive but i can’t walk. I feel so run down. My doctor suggesting to get a CT scan done. Is it necessary to disclose my HIV status to the neurologist to diagnose.

Please advise.


Thanks for posting your question and letting us answer this online.

Without knowing which ARVs you are using it is not possible to discuss whether these symptoms – which sound difficult and important – are related to HIV or to HIV drugs.

Any neurological problem needs your HIV doctor to talk to the neurologist. This is a specialist area and both doctors need to consider the impact of HIV.

Has your doctor considered a complication of


  1. Thelma ugunu

    Hiv how long can it say in ur body before turniing to Aids or does it turn at all


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