
Can a positive person test negative again?

Can a positive person test negative again?


Hi, how are you doing?

No. HIV tests look for antibodies.

Antibodies are what the body makes in response to HIV.

These antibodies remain in the body and do not leave over time.

This means that an HIV test will remain positive once you have tested as such.



  1. David

    Hi. Can you please explain the phenomenon where someone was HIV positive for more than 6 years, and now tests negative. This is real and we need explanation, please help

  2. Christina Antoniadi

    Hi there, please send more details including the persons HIV and treatment history and the tests that are used. Also, details on where this case is published.

    One explanation might be linked to very early treatment.
    Very rarely, this can cause an HIV antibody test to become negative.

    These people still have HIV though, it is a limitation of the tests.

  3. Christina Antoniadi

    Dear Zarina, many thanks for your question.

    Please talk to your doctor or clinic as you need to examined and might require treatment.

    We are not able to provide advise on treatments or antibiotics.

  4. Zarina

    I have skin rashes and some days ago I had a skin bacterial infection (cellulitis)

    What cure can I do?

    My viral load is negative

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Che, most people find HIV treatment is easy and has few side effects. Ut is good though to routinely monitor your weight and waist measurements every few months, just as yout doctor will monitor your liver and kidneys, for example. Then, if you do notice any changesm you can talk to your doctor about this, Depending on your HIV and other medical history when you start ART, your weught nught increase as part of returning back to better health.

  6. Che

    Hi , while being positive and taking treatment normally,are they any strange developments to occur on my body?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Alain, I am sorry but i-Base cant comment on different test results because these need to come from the doctor or the test centre. These people should also explain which results were confirmed and which might not be accurate.

  8. Alain

    Hello. Can someone on ARV treatment who tested positive to HIV and after 2 months on ARV test negative? If yes how do you explain that? I know someone who just tested negative after he tested positive and was on ARVs treatment for 2 months only now the rapid test shows negative again. What to do in that case?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Hilde, every country should have a way to get HIV treatment. Please contact your local HIV clinic so you can connect to ccare.

  10. Hilde

    Can I get new treatment for hiv if I’m positive