
I have taken PEP every 12 hours instead of every 24…

Hi, currently i’m on PEP. Today is my 6th day and my question is on the 1st day and today, instead of 24 hour gap I have taken PEP in a 12 hour gap. Does it effect the efficiency of PEP? I don’t have any side effects until now.


Hi, how are you doing?

No. Taking additional doses of PEP will not reduce how well it works.

This does not mean it is a good idea to continue taking PEP every 12 hours. It should be taken every 24. Is there a reason you have taken these few doses earlier?

Taking more than prescribed can risk you experiencing more side effects, or not having enough treatment to complete the full 28 day course.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Arun – this is not likely to be a problem.

    Please this this link for info on PEP:

  2. Arun

    Sir, I had kept my PEP medicine in my scooter dashboard for half an hour while riding the scooter and when I took the medicine it seems a little hot due to the engine heat. My question is can this heat degrade the effect of PEP medicine? If it can, should I take a second dose in the time period of 24 hours?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sean, what time are you taking PEP? For it to be effective PEP should be taken at the same time each day. There is some leeway. As long as you are taking it within the same hour each day it will remain effective.

    If you are taking PEP at completely different times each day you risk the treatment not being as effective.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  4. Sean

    For me I take my pep in different times aday will it affect my dose

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tony, how did the doctor/pharmacist tell you to take this treatment? and what is the name of the yellow pill?

    Commonly PEP medication that is taken as split dose is called Isentress. This can be taken either twice a day every 12 hours or once a day. The difference is the dose.

    A higher dose around 1200mg is to only be taken once. Lower doses around 400mg should be taken twice a day.

  6. Tony

    Hi, from day one I take the three pills at the same time every 24 hours, but I’ve just read that the yellow ones should be taken every 12 hours. Is that wrong the way I use it?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rahul, no the pain in you foreskin in not related to HIV.

  8. Rahul

    Hi by mistake I took pep within 12 hours and now am continuing with 24 hours per tablet & within a week after exposure am getting pain in my foreskin for that doctor given antibiotic doxivent lb and my question is there any related to hiv please clarify that sir am little nervous