
Elevated level of sgot and sgpt on PEP?

I am male 22 years old and I am on the 15th day of pep. I am using tenofovir, lamivudine, and efavirenz. I am noticing foam in my urine and an elevated level of sgot and sgpt. I did a kidney test and filtration test, everything was fine. Will these kill me or will damage my organs but will be reversible?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you have these tests done with your doctor? and how was your kidney function prior to starting PEP?

It is good that your previous kidney filtration test has showed that everything is still fine.

It is possible that PEP will cause temporary increases in these enzymes however this should be assessed by your doctor.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mitchel, this is not suggestive that PEP has failed but you should still speak to your doctor about these symptoms.

  2. Mitchel

    I’m 47yrs old. I was on pep for 27 days. After 2 weeks of stopping I’m still experiencing pain around my waist, kidney, rip cage and all around my back. I’m really concerned. Is that a bad sign.