
Has on-demand Prep worked?

Hi all. Today I should take the second dose of PrEP pills for 2-1-1 PrEP on-demand. But I delayed and took the second dose after 2 hours I should take. (1st day 2 pills on 3am but I took the second dose on 8.30 am next day).
Will this still work and should I start PEP immediately due to the delay of taking the second dose in 2-1-1 PrEP on demand?


Hi, how are you doing?

As the first dose of PrEP is a double dose, there is enough PrEP in your body to account for being a few hours late on the second day.

Take your final dose at the time you took your first dose e.g., 3 am.

Being late on the second dose after a double dose is unlikely to reduce how effective PrEP is.

You do not need to be taking PEP.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Fabian and thank you for the question.

    From what you have described you are covered. You just need to take the on demand pills afterwards.

    Please follow the link to see more information about dosing:

  2. Fabian

    I’ve start taking on demand prep on Tuesday night (2 pills), then I took one on Wednesday and I forgot to take it on Thursday. But didn’t have sex meanwhile. On Friday I took another pill at 7pm and had unprotected sex with inside eyaculation at 8.30pm…is there any risk the prep didn’t work? Should I take pep?
    Thank you!!


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