
I have recently learnt I am HIV positive…

I (24m) am a long haul flight attendant. I recently had a blackout night overseas and have recently learnt that I am or most likely am HIV positive. Told my fiancé and mother both of which came to my initial appointment. I’m really scared to lose my partner and he’s still considering about our relationship….is there anything I can do? I feel scared and don’t want to lose him. He’s neg


Hi, how are you doing?

Have you been able to speak to your family/friends about being positive, or even your doctor if that would be easier?

Have you had your status confirmed? and if so have you started treatment?

Finding out that you are HIV positive is an adjustment for yourself and the people you choose to tell. Hopefully you are your partner will be able to support each other as you adjust to this.

Serodfierrernt couples are not uncommon and people can take time to figure things out. Our disclosure Q&A can be found here and you will be able to read about similar situations.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anup, this is a low risk exposure. You do not need to contact the doctor/take PEP. Please see here for more information:

  2. Anup

    I protected sex with a condom yesterday…During intercourse I open out my penis from Virginia
    And see if the condom breaks with the slightest touch of the condom by the hand..After 4-5 minutes I ejaculated..After that I safely remove the condom..Then I start masterbating with the same hand that I touched the condom with during intercourse…. Should I consult a doctor? Plz help me I am too worry…


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