Q and A


Should I still give baby nevirapine if formula feeding?

Hi, i’m HIV positive and my son is one week one day old and tested negative. The hospital said I should breastfeed, I don’t have milk and I stopped breast feeding and gave him formula. Should I continue giving him nevirpine? I only started breast feeding four days ago. I only gave him the dose three times.


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

It is great that baby has tested negative. Baby should still be taking nevirapine. This medication is used for a few weeks after birth. it is given regardless of how baby is fed. for how long baby takes nevirapine is explained here.

Are you still giving baby any breastmilk? As you have neded to start using formula it is recommended to only use formula. Mixing both breast and formula can increase the risk to baby.

When only formula feeding, baby needs one last test 4 weeks after the last time they breastfed and this will confirm their status.



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