Q and A


Can I switch back to exclusively breastfeeding?

Hello, i’m from RSA. I’m a mom to a 3 weeks old baby. I’ve been exclusively breastfeeding her first the past 3 weeks but I’ve recently switched her to formula. My challenge now is that formula gets her constipated, is it safe for me to go back to exclusively breastfeeding her until 6 months? My viral load is undetectable and she’s on nevirapine.


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Constipation when switching to formula from breastmilk is common. This is because formula is more difficult for baby to deal with than breastmilk. This is very normal and will resolve over time. Information about this can be found here.

It is safe to switch back to exclusively breastfeeding. As baby is on nevirapine and you are undetectable, risk of transmission is very low. Switching back on one occasion is very unlikely to cause any problems. As it has been 3 weeks are you still making milk?



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