
Will my baby have HIV if I have a c-section?

Hi, I really booked late around 6 to 7 months and I was diagnosed with HIV. They put me on treatment and took some blood. When my results came I had an undetectable viral load but I wasn’t on treatment before. I’m going to have a c-section will my baby have HIV?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

No. Testing late for HIV in pregnancy does not mean your baby will have HIV.

Did you have your test confirmed as you had an undetectable viral load? and have you started treatment?

Being undetectable already means risk to baby is very low. Having a c-section means the risk is even lower.

Baby will also be given their own treatment after birth to help prevent transmission. This is explained further here.

Many women all over the world find out they have HIV late in their pregnancy. Starting treatment and making sure baby will have their own makes the risk of transmission very small. There is no reason to think that your baby is at more risk. Especially as you have an undetectable viral load.
