
Can I pass on HIV if I am on malaria treatment?

Hi, please help me. I wanted to know the chances of transmitting HIV to a non positive partner if I have malaria. I have been virally suppressed since 2019 with a viral load of less than 20 each time I go in for testing. Am worried I might infect my partner because of the malaria infection i’m treating. Thank you


Hi, how are you feeling?

While the malaria infection is active it can cause an increase in your viral load.

As you already have a very suppressed viral load, it is likely that this will still not increase more than 200 meaning there would be no risk to your partner.

Even if this was to be above, the risk will still remain minimal.

How long have you been on anti-malarial treatment? While you are being treated for malaria it would be recommend that you use condoms or your partner be on PrEP for this small duration.

After which you can then retest your viral load and check that you are undetectable.
