
My daughter vomits Zidovudine…

I have problem with my daughter. Each time l gave zidovidune syrup she vomits she is now 7 weeks what must l do


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby.

How does baby feed normally e.g., breast/formula and does she vomit then?

In what position is baby given zidovudine. As she is vomiting it would be best to give it to her when she is sitting up. Has she always vomited up the zidovudine?

If you are still struggling, you can speak with your nurse. They will be able to offer advise on how to help baby take the medication.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zoe, congratulations on having a baby.

    You are doing everything right. You do not need to be worried about passing on HIV to your baby. Being undetectable so close to baby’s birth means the risk of transmission is as low as possible. Giving baby these treatments will only mean the risk is further reduced.

    How is baby being fed? If baby is being breastfed, they will have a final test a few weeks after stopping treatment to confirm their status. If they are bing formula fed you will be able to test in a few weeks and find out.

  2. Zoe

    Hi Josh, the nurse assured me that the baby will be fine, I’m now concerned about passing the virus to my baby, I gave birth at a private medical centre and no PCR test was done after giving birth but nevirapine and viropon was prescribed so that I can give the baby. Should I be worried about passing the virus to my son?
    Please note I gave birth two weeks after my last test results were lower than detectable

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Zoe, how old is baby? Jaundice is a common thing to happen in babies. Have you mentioned this to your nurse?

  4. Zoe

    My son looks like he has jaundice, could this be hiv related? VL has been <20 copies for two years now. I am breastfeeding him.


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