Q and A


Can I switch back from Biktarvy to TLD?

Can I go back to TLD? Biktarvy is causing me a lot of side effects like difficulty passing stool and blood in stools? Can I shift back to my older regimen TDF+DTG+Lamudivine? I am from India .


Hi, how are you dong?

I am sorry to hear about these symptoms you are experiencing.

How long have you been on Biktarvy and when did you first notice these symptoms?

Have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., weight loss, fever, headache, low urine output or feeling dizzy?

The side effects you have mentioned are not caused by Biktarvy. Often people will instead experience diarrhoea and sometimes have trouble with their tummy.

Has anything else changed recently that could have caused this like poor water intake or a change in diet?



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Fundie, no you should not expect this to conintue.

    Do you have any other symptoms like night sweats, fevers or unintentional weight loss?

    How long after starting TLD did this cough start? and is the cough dry are you your bringing anything up? If you are what does it look like e.g., colour, frothy and volume.

  2. Fundie

    I had a non stop strange coughing while I changed to TLD ,can I expecting change as I continue taking this medication?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    HI Ajay, yes you can. It is just important to make sure that you are switching for the right reasons. If Biktarvy is not the cause of your current symptoms, switching back to TLD will not improve anything.

  4. Ajay

    CaN I GO back to TLD again from biktarvy

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ajay, when stopping medication and undetectable it can take a week or more for viral load to rebound.

    Rebound does not occur when switching between treatments.

  6. Ajay

    How many weeks it will take for viral load to rebound? I will go for test again by consulting doctor?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ajay, how long have you been on Biktarvy and how much weight have you lost?

    If you are experiencing diarrhoea, how often are you experiencing the difficulty passing stool?

    Have you had a recent CD4 count and viral load test? Even being on treatment, you will still test positive for HIV antibodies. How was your status confirmed when you first started treatment?

  8. Ajay

    Also my hiv dna and western blot is negative every time I go for test …….I don’t have antibodies on 4Th generation test doctor told me to stop medication

  9. Ajay

    I have experienced weight loss and diarrhoea …. Can I go back to my older regimen…)))


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