Q and A


Can I change the time of on-demand PrEP?

I’m on on-demand prep. I took my initial 2 doses at 8:30 pm Monday and then my second dose at 8:30 pm Tuesday, third dose at 8 pm Wednesday. Then I had sex again, Wednesday evening. Will taking PrEP at a different time mess with my protection levels?

What’s the window period of the acceptable times? Is it around 2 hours before or after will be fine?


Hi, how are you doing?

As you had started with on-demand PrEP on the Monday with a double dose, it is then safe to switch towards daily dosing.

As you had taken your Wednesday dose before sex but you had maintained PrEP since Monday, the time between sex on Wednesday and PrEP does not matter. You will have been protected from the exposure.

The only requirement is that you continue PrEP for the following 2 days at the same time. This will then work like an extended on-demand PrEP.



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