
I took a magnesium supplement an hour before Acriptega…

I didn’t check and took a medication containing 55mg magnesium hydroxide one hour before my daily dose of Acriptega. I don’t intend to do this every day though. It was the first time today and I immediately noticed the issue.

Will this significantly affect the efficacy of Dolutegravir in my meds?


Hi, how are you doing?

As you had taken this magnesium an hour before Acriptega there is some risk that it will have prevented complete absorption of dolutegravir.

This only happening once is not going to be a problem. It is okay to occasionally be late or miss a dose. This is akin to what has happened in your case.

A slightly lower dose of dolutegravir on a single occasion will not cause any issues with your treatment. It is good that you have now noticed this.

What is the treatment you are taking that contains magnesium? Are you able to move the time that you take it? It is advised that you take it 2 hours before or 6 hours after Acriptega.



  1. James

    Hi Josh,

    Thank you for your response. The magnesium hydroxyde I took was an ingredient in the medication for my acid reflux.

    I’ve been undetectable for 5 years and take my ARVs at 10:30 pm. I have now switched the magnesium to noon.


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