Q and A


Is Acriptega a good treatment?

Hi there. I would like to know if Acriptega is good treatment?


Hi, how are you doing?

Yes. Acriptega is a good treatment.

Acriptega is a generic version of TLD.

TLD is the first line recommendation to be used to treat HIV.

This is because TLD has fewer side effects than older medications and is generally better tolerated. It is still just as effective as older treatment, if not more but it has a greater effect on improving quality of life.

Many people are being switched from older regimens to TLD because of its benefits and preferential use.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Kane and thank you for the question.

    Please don’t worry – there is no interaction between Acriptega and grapefruits.

    Your PEP regimen will not be affected.

  2. Kane

    I recently bought 3 grapefruits and had 2 the same afternoon(day 27) and one the next morning (day 28) and I did this while on PEP -acriptega -I take it at 10pm daily and so now I am concerned as I have discovered it can interact with meds and so I wanted to know if this will affect the success of the PEP medicine

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yohannes, you can eat yogurt while taking Acriptega. There is no interaction.


    interaction between yogurt and acriptega


    can i take antiacid before i take my acriptega

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Yohannes, an antacid should be taken no earlier than 6 hours BEFORE Acriptega or 2 hours AFTER. Taking them closer together will cause the antacid to prevent how much Acriptega is absorbed and reduce how effective treatment is.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Happy, you will need to speak with your phamarcist before doing this.

    Crushing pills can change how the medication works/gets absorbed. Your phamarcist will be able to inform you if it is appropriate to crush your pills.

    Are you having difficulty swallowing your medication? Tips to help this can be found here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/problems-swallowing-pills/

  8. Happy

    I need to know can I crash my airvs pills before I drink

  9. Josh Peasegood

    HI Aykhan, TLD can be used lifelong.

    TLD can cause problems with kidneys but this is more commonly associated in people who already have underlying kidney problems. If your kidneys are healthy at the start of treatment, the kidney associated side effects are much less likely to occur.

    Has your doctor done any tests to check the function of your kidneys? You can gauge how well your kidneys are doing yourself by checking your urine and seeing if the colour changes e.g., red/brown, if it becomes frothy, or you start to urinate less. If any of this happens tell your doctor.

  10. Aykhan

    What about side effects of TLD for kidneys? How long time can I use it?


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