Q and A


Can you advise which HIV test to have?

Can you please advise my daughter, she has just found out that her boyfriend has been cheating on her, probably over the four years they have been together?

She may have been infected with HIV any time over the past four years and possibly as late as 3 weeks ago.

Can you advise which HIV test she should have?

I know that the antibody test would pick up infection more than 6 months ago, but what if she is recently infected?

Thank You


Thank you for your question.

Fourth generation tests that test for antibodies and antigen will pick up an infection 3-4 weeks after a possible exposure. These tests are routinely used in most GUM clinic, STI clinic or GP in the UK, and they are free. They are 95% accurate (they will pick up 95% of infections) so are very reliable tests to have done.

A negative test at 28 days should then be confirmed with a second test 90 days after the exposure.

For more information please follow this link


  1. Charlotte Walker

    yes that would be fine if it puts your mind at rest

  2. Charlotte Walker

    It depends when you think you may have been exposed to HIV and which test you were taking. For more information please follow this link

  3. denny

    Hello I went for a test on the 8th of July and it was negative do I need to go for another test to check?

  4. harj

    Hello again, you say here the test is accurate 2-3 weeks after if I tested say 2 days before 3 weeks then had a test done at 28 days would that be re assuring for me as in the HIV status, the GUM clinic advised me as the test was new, they didn’t really believe it…untill further manuals come out.

  5. Charlotte Walker

    The DUO test is accurate 2-3 weeks after a possible exposure. It is usual for testing centres to recommend the test at 28 days. It is not usual to have to wait for 2 months. You should speak to the testing centre to get clarification on this matter.

  6. harj

    Hi I went for a HIV DUO test and was advised to come back in 2 months is the test not accurate at this stage or why would they say that?