Can I take gummy bears with ARVs?
3 August 2024. Related: All topics, Drug interactions.
Hello, would it be okay to take glutathione supplement such as Gummy Bears with glutathione if I am taking my ARVs? I am taking my ARVs for 5 months.
Hi there
There is no interactions between ARVs, glutathione and gummy bears.
Please use the Liverpool University website to look for durg interactions and PrEP drugs.
You can also ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Hi John, please read this info about U=U and how the meds prevent transmission:
Malaria is unlikely to affect this but you could use PrEP if you are worried or use condoms over this time.
Hi. I want to know what the risk is for a negative individual whose partner is on ART and undetectable for 5years BUT has and is treating malaria and having unprotected sex. Will the negative individual become positive? Thank you.