Q and A


Are HIV tests the same accuracy for all types of exposure?


I’m afraid this is another question about testing sorry. I have read all the questions about the fourth generation tests and luckily I have found a place that do them.

My risk was pretty high so I had a standard test which I’m awaiting results for. As I am panicky I have read that for needles and unprotected sex this is a reliable test?

I plan to have a test 2 days before the 3 week mark and then again after 28 days. As I am so scared would the 18 day result give me some good indication? Or is it simply a waste of time going for it?

I hope you can help just 28 days seem so far away



Hi Cooper,

Thank you for your question.

The third and fourth generation tests have the same degree of accuracy regardless of the type of exposure or the level of risk.The difference is that fourth generation tests can detect HIV earlier after exposure, Most GUM clinics in the UK offer the fourth generation test so it should be easy to find somewhere you can access this service.

The fourth generation tests are will detect 95% of infections at 4 after exposure. Therefore your 18-day test is good news but you need this to be confirmed at 90 days for a conclusive result.


  1. Charlotte Walker

    No test alone is 100%.

    If you are negative it is good news but you need a test a 90 days, based on UK guidelines, to be conclusive.

    Any positive result also needs a second confirmatory test will be done to make it 100% certain.

    If you are negative at 90 days then you do not have HIV and do not need another test unless you put yourself at risk again.

  2. cooper

    Hi Charlotte,

    Thanks for the advice – you say 2-3 weeks! You say 18 days should give a conclusive result is that a 100% or not.
