
Can I get HIV from oral sex?

I’m a male, 30 years old. Yesterday, I had unprotected oral sex with a female who I don’t know her HIV status. I only had oral sex with her. She gave me a blowjob.

I am afraid that if she has HIV, I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test?

Thank you very much!


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV from oral sex this way. Anyone who is receiving a blowjob is not at risk. You also cannot get HIV from giving a woman oral sex.

Although up to 5% of HIV infections might be giving someone a blowjob, this probably depends on two factors. One is that viral load need to be very high in the positive partner and the second it that the negative partner probably need to have mouth problems, for example if they have bleeding gums, a cut in their mouth or recent dental work.

More information about HIV sexual transmission is included in this guide, which has a section on oral sex.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A from July 2010. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).

Comments to this Q&A are now closed.


  1. Kaspar

    Can one get hiv by giving a low job to a man who doesn’t ejaculate into her mouth?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Shawn,

    Please see this guide to oral sex. Receiving oral sex (having someone’s mouth on your genital organs) is likely to be zero or near zero risk. Saliva is not linked to HIV transmissions.

  3. Shawn

    Guys i am 16 i got my very first blowjob from a trans do i have hiv im not gay and i dont want to live with hiv please im scared.

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zain,

    We don’t have resources to answer more questions on HIV risks and HIV testing. But please see this link

  5. zain

    I had oral sex with girl dont know if she has HIV but my penny feels sore so scared what should I do

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Boby,

    Sorry, i-Base doesn’t have resources to answer questions on risks and testing. But all frequently asked questions are answered here.

  7. Boby

    Hi , Recently I met one lady in massage center. When she was doing massage she started suck my penny with my permission . While sucking she started spilt lung on my penny . After some time she give me handjob to complete . After completing she wash my penny with warm towel. All well till here , we did not had sex also. She looks like very healthy .
    Next day I got Thorat pain and light cold . It’s over after two days.
    Now I am worrying because throat pain , did I got HIV .do I need to go hiv test ?
    Actually I don’t get hiv status , when I asked her she told she never went hospital for testing and all.
    Please let me know should I attend for HIV test?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Christian,

    Sorry I’m sure what your question is. But if you’ve hurt your mouth it’s a good idea to ask the doctor to look at it.

  9. Christian

    I had a oral sex with 15 years old, straight man but after we had sex my mouth had bruises

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jay,

    Sorry, but i-Base doesn’t have resources to answer more questions about risk and transmission. All FAQs are answered here.