
Can I get HIV from oral sex?

I’m a male, 30 years old. Yesterday, I had unprotected oral sex with a female who I don’t know her HIV status. I only had oral sex with her. She gave me a blowjob.

I am afraid that if she has HIV, I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test?

Thank you very much!


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV from oral sex this way. Anyone who is receiving a blowjob is not at risk. You also cannot get HIV from giving a woman oral sex.

Although up to 5% of HIV infections might be giving someone a blowjob, this probably depends on two factors. One is that viral load need to be very high in the positive partner and the second it that the negative partner probably need to have mouth problems, for example if they have bleeding gums, a cut in their mouth or recent dental work.

More information about HIV sexual transmission is included in this guide, which has a section on oral sex.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A from July 2010. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).

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  1. Bill

    I received a 15 second blow job with out ejaculation and saw blood on my penis from the giver. I want to the bathroom washed and had a wee. Do I need to start pep?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi James, oral sex carries little to no risk of transmission. Please follow this link for more information:

    There is no reason for you to be starting PEP.

  3. James

    Hi my concern is i gave csw cunnlings am i at a risk of hiv ?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nancy, this is not a risk for HIV transmission.

    Please follow this link for more information:

  5. Nancy

    Hi, I’m Nancy,

    A week back my friend (male) sucked my boobs and I don’t know his HIV status. Am I at a risk of HIV. Please Advice.


  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dave, oral sex carries very low to no risk of transmission of HIV. Saliva contains antiviral properties making HIV transmission via sex incredibly rare. The symptoms you have also mentioned do not align with HIV conversion. Do you know the status of the man who gave you oral sex? or if they were on medication?

    Please follow this link for more information about testing and transmission:

  7. Dave

    A .an gave me oral sex. Since then I have had a cough for a week. Pain in the back of my leg. White spots on my tongue.drymouth and enlarged left breast

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ranga,

    Please see this guide to HIV risk and oral sex.

  9. Ranga

    i had one below job with men to men , am also men , we kissed each other and i sucked him only one time .

    and i want to do know by doing the below job we will get the infection or HIV , pls respond .

    i dont know his condition and worried lot , pls answer my question .

    Because am getting night sweat from lost 3 days and even am diabetic patient also .

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Kaspar,

    If there is no cum or no pre-cum then the risk is zero. But it can sometimes be difficult to know this.

    Please see more info here.