
Can I get HIV from oral sex?

I’m a male, 30 years old. Yesterday, I had unprotected oral sex with a female who I don’t know her HIV status. I only had oral sex with her. She gave me a blowjob.

I am afraid that if she has HIV, I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test?

Thank you very much!


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV from oral sex this way. Anyone who is receiving a blowjob is not at risk. You also cannot get HIV from giving a woman oral sex.

Although up to 5% of HIV infections might be giving someone a blowjob, this probably depends on two factors. One is that viral load need to be very high in the positive partner and the second it that the negative partner probably need to have mouth problems, for example if they have bleeding gums, a cut in their mouth or recent dental work.

More information about HIV sexual transmission is included in this guide, which has a section on oral sex.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A from July 2010. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).

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  1. mike

    goodmorning. i had de same problem as jenis and subdam. someone give me an blowjob and 10 days after i had the same symptoms as jenis. the symptoms lasted 1week. my plos was swollen for a day en was pianfull. later on i had an pain in my ear and an swollen lymfenode under that ear. also belching(burping) and huff (gas) this i still have.

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Liam, this is not a sign of HIV. This sensation could be caused by a number of things. It is important you speak with your doctor. For more information about HIV transmission please follow this link:

  3. Liam

    Hi I got a blowjob and then3 days later I was getting burning feeling in my dick I been tested but I am worried iv HIV is that one off the signs and I get night sweats to

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Don, a 4th generation test is conclusive from 42 days an onwards.

  5. Don

    4th generation test is conclusive at 45 days or 90 days?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Subham, oral sex carries little to no risk of HIV transmission. Saliva makes it very difficult for HIV to be transmitted. There has never been a documented case of HIV transmission via oral sex. The symptoms you have are very non-specific and more likely caused by a cold/flu. You can test using a 4th generation test at 4 weeks (95% accurate) and 6 weeks (conclusive).

  7. Subham

    Hi, Someone gave me oral sex one month back and I am facing the same symptoms as Jenis.

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jenish, kissing does not carry any risk for HIV transmission. Oral sex carries very little risk. Saliva has antiviral properties that make HIV transmission very difficult via this route. Have you been to a sexual health clinic/doctor about your symptoms? How long have you been experiencing them?

  9. jenish

    a month ago i get blowjob from 3 gays oral sex i kissed with one and 2 just gave me blowjob they eat my cum to .so i am worried that if i get std or hiv aids today i have pain in my throat and my whole body has pain

  10. Simon Collins

    Based on this info, PEP would not be given in the UK.