
What if I stopped meds and feel better?

I have been taking arvs since june 2023 up to september 2024.

In October i stoped my meds because i was really having problems with my pills. Whenever i took my ARVs i would have nausea almost everyday and loss of apetite i could not eat well. I would wake up feeling weak and sleepy everyday i thought the pills would adapt to my body but to na avail.

After i stoped taking them i have started to gain my weight i no longer feel weak and dizzy and my appetite is good no more nausea… but my worry is that i have to take my ARVs but am not ready for all the effects it has on me…so what i do?


Hi there

Please talk to your doctor about this. It might be that there are other meds you could use that are easier to take.

Even if you decide to still not use HIV meds, it is really important to continue to be monitored.

Without realising it, even if you feel well, HIV risk could quickly become much higher.

Please stay connected to care though, hopefully using meds that are easier to take


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