Q and A


How big is the risk if the sex was in the bath tub?

I had unprotected insertive vaginal intercourse 1 month ago in a bath tub. This was with a Vietnamese woman who I paid to have sex with me at a spa in Macco and lasted no more than 5 minutes. Please help me with a few questions.

First-would that increase/decrease the likelihood of infection (I’ve been told that women’s vagina will often get water inside)?

Secondly-I know that to be conclusive, I need to test at three months but how much comfort can I find in a negative at 1 month (with an antibody test)?

Thirdly-how great is the risk? Being unprotected, insertive vaginal, with a temporary resident sex worker of unknown status, less than 5 minutes and in the tub?

Thank you for your time.


Thank you for your question. Unprotected sex always carries some risk. In this particular case, the risk is quite low, but it still exists. In terms of taking comfort in a negative HIV test after a month, it is realistic, especially if you have a duo test. It tests for HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibodies and the p24 antigen for earlier diagnosis.

The results would detect 95% of infections at 4 weeks and more than 99.99% at 12 weeks.