Q and A


How long can seroconversion symptoms last?

I had sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me 14 weeks ago.

After 2 weeks i have developed fatigue, nausea, dearrhea, pain in the limbs and after 6 weeks from developing these symptoms my lymph nodes have enlarged.

My question is that these symptoms are persisting till now (almost 16 weeks). Can the symptoms for HIV can continue for more than 6 weeks?


After 14 weeks, if you have HIV, then an HIV antibody test will pick this up.

It sounds like the first thing you need to check is whether this is infact HIV.

If the test is negative, then you do not have HIV, but something else, and you should be seeing a doctor about this.

If you have not taken an HIV test in the last few months, then take one now to find out if you are HIV-positive.

If you are HIV positive, then although seroconversion symptoms usually only last for a week or two, in some people they can last longer and be more serious.

If these sypmtoms are HIV-related, you may need to start treatment earlier than the average person, but this will also depend on the results from your CD4 test.