Q and A


Am I infected?

I recently had protected sex with a woman who I paid to have sex with me while on holiday in Brazil and am worried I may have caught HIV. A week (I think) after returning to England, I got what I thought was flu-like symptoms but was told by my doctor that it was a viral condition. I looked on the internet for symptoms of HIV, some of which I have been experiencing. I am now freaking out. The only comfort I have is that there seems to be an illness going around as some of the people I know have been experiencing some of my symptoms such as muscle aches. I had blocked sinuses when I left for Brazil, so maybe what I’m experincing now, stems from that?…I have been thinking about having a test but am frightened of what I will find out. What shall I do?


The way you describe the contact (protected) means that you are not at risk for catching HIV.

The flu-like symptoms can be caused by numerous other reasons. It is a good idea to discuss those with your GP as he/she may decide to prescribe something that will alleviate the symptoms.
