Q and A


Can I take supplements when I’m HIV positive?

Since I have been taking my HIV regimen the only time I took a vitamin tablet was during my latent TB diagnosis in 2008 (Vitamin B12). I hope vitamin and supplements are not the same?

This supplement came out in Thailand with good results and people were recommending it so much. The supplement was made from rice and called Vital Star.

Why I’m asking is because I don’t want to harm my body with supplements and I don’t know if it is possible for a HIV positive person to take supplements or not.

Please I need your advice but I bought it already.


Thank you for your question.

It is fine for HIV positive people to take vitamins and supplements. However, you should always check with your doctor first as there are some supplements such as St John’s Wart which interact with certain HIV medications.

For a comprehensive guide to which vitamins and supplements are good for people with HIV please follow this link


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Syntax, yes it is okay to take IV glutathione with collagen and Vitamin C. There is no risk of interaction between the supplements mentioned and your ARVs. You do not need an interval between these drugs.

  2. Syntax

    Hi. Can Someone answer me? Im taking my ARV for almost 7 years now, specifically LTE. Is it ok to take IV glutathione with collagen and Vitamin C? If yes how many hours should be the interval before or after taking my LTE (ARV)?.. Thank you.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gee, there is no interaction. Please see this previous question: https://i-base.info/qa/20032

  4. Gee

    Good day

    Just a quick one I am on atroiza for 10 years now and undetectable is it safe to use vitamin c and zinc?


  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Maeian, yes you can take Complement Neocell. There is no interaction with your HIV treatment.

  6. Maeian

    Please am hiv positive with result indétectable please I need you help can I use complement Neocell thanks

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kgadi, what HIV medications are you taking? If your ART contains dolutegravir there is a potential interaction with pyridoxine.

    Pyridoxine is a name for vitamin B6. To avoid this interaction dolutegravir should be given 2 hours before, or 6 hours after taking pyridoxine. Doing so at earlier times might reduce how much dolutegravir is absorbed by the body.

    If you are using a TLD combination, there is no interaction with mylan isoniazid. You can take these together.

  8. Kgadi

    Hi I am hiv with virus undetected is it safe to take vital supplement for hair skin and nails together with pyridoxine and mylan isoniazid

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi warren, collagen does not interact with HIV medication. They will not affect you negatively.

  10. Warren

    Hello, I’m 47 years old and I’m on an HIV regimen. I recently purchased collagen supplements. Can I still take them? Will they affect me negatively or they’re safe?


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