Q and A


Can I ask questions when I go for a test?

Hello there,

I recently booked a HIV test for the end of the month at the moment I am finding it hard to breath – sleep- and concentrate on my work.

So I booked a test with another clinic on Thursday – this is exactly 20 days after exposure. I told them that it was 4 weeks other wise they were not going to do it. How reliable is this test? In some answers it says 19 is ok, but 17 is to low etc but 2-3 weeks is accurate as its a sensitive test? It is the DUO test I am having.

Also I am so scared of needles, and as I have this phobia of HIV I have to make sure for my own piece of mind they are ok. Would the nurse mind if I ask her questions I know they use the butterfly needles and I know they have a seal but I get so scared. I did go once and they were nice about it I asked all sorts of daft questions but it was ok. I have the right to ask this don’t I?


Thank you for your question.

At 20 days after a possible exposure this test is more than 99.5% accurate. It is a sensitive test so will pick up any infection. If it is negative then you do not have HIV. If it is positive then you will need another test just to confirm.

You have every right to ask the nurse lots of questions. I have no idea whether she will mind or not! If you are paranoid about needles not being sterile and about catching HIV then maybe you should seek professional counselling. There are many worse things in the world than HIV. With the HIV treatment available today people with HIV can have a good quality of life and a near normal life expectancy so the outlook is good.