Q and A


Can I do body-building if I have HIV?

Hello there,

First of all thank you all very for the wonderful work you are doing.

I was a bodybuilder before I got diagnosed HIV positive. It took me some time but somehow with the right amount of support and help I managed to come to terms with the fact.

I noticed life hasn’t changed much, I just am a little bit more concerned about my health, I’m not on treatment yet and was told that it would still take a couple of years before I needed to start.

So I just wanted to know if it would be possible for me to keep on with my weight lifting? Will I be able to gain muscle mass like before or is the fact of being HIV positive limit me in any way in that particular field? I was told it was great to exercise and all that but still, will it be just the same as before or will my body react differently now that I am positive?

Thank you very much for your help and keep the good work going.


Thank you for your question.

It is good to hear that you have come to terms with your diagnosis.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t continue bodybuilding. Your body should be able to gain muscle in the same way as it has before. Being HIV positive should not limit you at all. Exercising and keeping healthy is very good for your body’s immune system.

If you take any supplements to build muscles such as steroids then you should mention this to your HIV doctor when you begin medication because some HIV treatments interact with steroids and other supplements.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tan,

    We no longer answer questions about transmission and testing. This information service is for people who are HIV positive and about HIV treatment.

    Most questions about transmission and testing have been answered here:

    However, you could get a second opinion if you think your doctor is not telling the truth.

  2. Tan

    Hi, I was exposed to hiv but have not been confirmed positive or maybe my doctor is just lying to me.but I have been sick ever since then, he said it is psychological.i use to work out before then but have no been able Still because of the way I feel. Even 100 feel caused my throat to dry and I had heachache the whole day. Any advise on what I should do ?

  3. Lisa Thorley
  4. Tony

    I’m on trivenz arvs and I’m not sure if I’m gaining weight. I lost allot of belly fat. I want to know if it’s ok to take whey protein powder.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks. Your brother’s HIV treatment (ART) is the way to help his immune system. But a good balanced diet is good for general health. If you take any kind of herb or supplement you should tell your doctor and make sure there’s no reaction with ART.

  6. Sarah

    Hi sheila, l am using moringa leave for my brother who is HIV positive. He has grain alot of weight,also helping is body’s immune system. He is really looking good than before.
    The best is cook it as soup vegetable.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Navid,
    Unfortunately i-Base doesn’t have resources to answer questions on testing. Frequently asked questions on this are answered here.

  8. navid

    hi dear sir/mam
    i wanna know if sport supplements such as whey protein have any effect on HIV window period testing and the results?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sheila.

    Weight loss isn’t something that’s really associated with modern ARVs. What is it that you’re taking? Have you talked to a dietitian, or even a fitness trainer?

  10. Sheila

    Hi guys I’m Shella from South Africa and I’m really hopeless now.I loss weight but has this big tummy,really need something to gain weight and when I talk to my doctor about it all he says is its part of being on the medication and there’s nothing I can use to gain weight.

    I read about hyperbolic and whey protein,so I wonna know is it save to use with my medication.Will I gain even gain weight by using it?

    I’m really hopeless.


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