Q and A


Is it better to test at a GUM clinic or when I give blood?

Hello I would like to know if it would be better to test by giving blood or if it is best to go to a sexual health clinic? In terms of support after the results and so on, which way is best? Thanks lots.


Thank you for your question.

With regards to aftercare, it would be better to test at a sexual health clinic. However, if you test positive when giving blood you will be referred for a confirmatory test to a sexual health clinic anyway.


  1. Liz Hodges

    I have been a blood donor for many years and am aware that they don’t ask people not to give blood in order to find out if they have an infection or not. The purpose of screening blood donations is to protect the blood supply, and prevent the accidental infection of blood recepients, not to make diagnoses.
    If someone has reason to believe they could have HIV they should have a test with their GP or at a GUM clinic where they will get appropriate pre and post test support.

  2. Charlotte Walker

    They use the PCR test as far as I know.

  3. tina

    Intrested to know – if you donate blood what test do they use to screen the blood.