Q and A


Can someone seroconvert after 5 months?

This is my first time to this site – good job.
I had a sexual encounter in August 2007 and tested using Elisa at three months – the results were negative. I then re-tested at five months and the results were also negative. But after the five month testing I started to experience flu-like symptoms including a mild fever that comes and goes and my neck started to feel a bit swollen. Since that sexual experience in august I had not had any more. Could someone seroconvert after the five month period? Should I consider re-testing?


It is very rare for someone to take 5 months to seroconvert, but this has been reported.

I can’t find data on the actual risk, but I would think the chance would be less than 1 in 50,000 (this is a guess).

It is far more likely that your ‘flu-like’ symptoms were just a cold, of flu or other mild infection.

It is fine to retest in another month but I expect you will get the same negative result. Your test centre would be the best place to discuss your actual risk in more detail and advise you on whether they think a further test is necessary.


  1. Pauline

    Your symptoms could also be a preoccupation with bieng HIV+. I also believe you are negative as long as you have not involved yourself in any HIV risky behaviour.