Q and A


Which test is used to detect an infection within 6 months?

I was raped in May 2006.

I was tested with HIV RNA and ELISAs from 8 weeks to 20 months . I also had Western blot tests along with ELISA and that test was taken at 3 months and all bands were negative.

I’ve read on your site about a test that can tell if you’ve been exposed within 6 months. What test is that? RNA? Thanks.


I am really sorry to hear this. Hope you are already OK.

Every test, regardless of the system used, after 6 months is conclusive. So you are HIV-negative. The HIV-RNA test (viral load) can show earlier than an antibody test but is not very accurate when the result is negative, and therefore needs to be confirmed by other tests.

Sometimes a ‘detuned’ ELISA is used in research to see if the infection was within the previous 6 months. Detuned means that the test has been modified in a way, so that it is less sensitive.

In the UK anyone can ask for this test if they think they have a recent infection. It is called STARHS (Serological Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion) and is provided to your clinic free by the public HPA laboratory based in Colindale.

Hope this helps.