What is seroconversion and what are the symptoms?
10 February 2023. Related: All topics, HIV testing, HIV transmission.
HIV seroconversion is a very early stage of HIV infection. It is the time when a person first develops antibodies for HIV.
At this point an HIV antibody test will still be negative. The word just means that your sero status is converting from being HIV antibody negative to HIV antibody positive.
Seroconversion usually occurs starts 1-3 weeks after infection, with average time being around 10 days. Although 4 in 5 people (80%) get symptoms, 1 in 5 (20%) do not.
Seroconversion does not occur if you are on PEP, because PEP drugs suppress the virus. The timing mentioned above would start after the last PEP dose – ie 10 days after the PEP ends.
The symptoms of HIV seroconversion resemble those of a heavy cold or flu.
They commonly involve multiple symptoms at the same time. They last about a week and then resolve. If you get this heavy response and recently had a risk, it is more important to contact a doctor or clinic. This can decide your level of risk and the best time to test.
However, lots of people get some of these symptoms and it does not mean they are HIV positive. Stress and anxiety can produce similar general symptoms even though without HIV. This includes tiredness from not sleeping, anxiety and worry.
The most common HIV seroconversion symptoms include a combination of several of the following:
- Fatigue (tiredness).
- Fever (high temperature).
- Sore throat.
- Rash.
- Headache.
- Loss of appetite.
- Aching muscles and joints.
- Swollen lymph glands.
Seroconversion involves several symptoms that all start at the same time. Only having one or two of these symptoms is unlikely to be HIV.
These symptoms are not a reliable way of diagnosing HIV infection.
Firstly, 20% of people who become infected with HIV have no symptoms. Secondly, none of the symptoms listed above, on their own, are an indication of HIV.
However, if you get several of these symptoms at the same time AND you have had a recent risk of exposure to HIV, then this MIGHT be an indication of infection.
The only way to know if you are HIV positive is by taking an HIV test. More information on tests is at this link.
If you have recently been exposed to HIV, or think you may have been exposed to HIV, then contact a doctor or sexual health clinic to talk about whether testing for HIV is appropriate.
This answer was updated in 2016, 2018 and 2023 from an original Q&A from 2008. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).
I had sex with someone and used a condom. When he pulled out the condom spilled all over my vagina. Now all I think is I have HIV he said he doesn’t have it. I am nauseous, I have a cough, mild runny nose some itchy bumps by my neck and shoulder and diarrhea. I know I felt like I had hiv once before and drove myself crazy. This sexual encounter was a little under 2 weeks ago. I don’t know if I am driving myself crazy again but I need to know and I don’t know how I can wait 2 more weeks for a test.
Hi Jack,
Please see Q1 here:
Hi, I had a high risk exposure with a csw. It was a protected course, but during the course my condom slipped not exposing my bare part. After the act, she removed the condom and applied a lotion around my exposed penile part. If that CSW is positive, does her vaginal fluids exposed on my penis can come in contact with my bare part as she had applied the lotion.? I got tested twice with p24 duo combo at 4 n 9 weeks. It is negative. After 9th week, I experienced few tiny rash on my arms. I am worried that it could be ARS symptoms. ? Or should I consider myself conclusive that its HIV negative. Please help and reply. Please I am very stressed.
Hi RC,
Please see Q’s 1 and 8 here:
My son had mouth ulcers, lymph nodes, low fever.
Because of these symptoms we went to test for HIV. He was CIA rapid test reactive but confirmatory negative. Do we still have to worry?
Hi Mr X,
Please see Q1 here:
I had unprotected oral sex (I’m the male done on me by a female) it was an escort and it was my first time with an escort, now I’m very worried but I read that I shouldn’t be. I was tested after 2 or 3 weeks and it came out negative. However 4 days after the test I start feeling nausea and some sort of diarrhea Two days after my body start aching a little not too sure what to make out .of it. Any advice please.
I’m currently seroconverting after deliberately getting HIV from a guy. The last exposure was just over 2 weeks ago and a few days after that I started to get these symptoms which are hitting me hard..
Tiredness and slow/no energy or drive to do anything. Need to sleep all the time.
Pain in lower legs, aches in lower body that can be severe at times
Feeling sick and often having diarrhea after eating anything
Complete loss of appetite (maybe related to above?)
Eyes sometimes ache
Sometimes sore throat that comes and goes
Mouth ulcers
Worst is the lower body aches in my legs and feet joints.
When will these symptoms pass and will I go to the latency (or whatever it’s called) phase?
Hi TB,
Has it been confirmed that you’re HIV positive?
Hi Major,
Please see Q1 here: