Q and A


Can I get HIV from a possible needle poke?

Hi HIV i-Base,

Many thanks for your answer before.

I was in a store the other day and a little boy poked something into my leg, now it could have been anything pen, toys, etc I know its crazy to think he would have poked me with a needle but the street was dirty and so were the shops.

I looked at many websites and they say a needle poke itself won’t cause transmission but it has to be injected now I am being completly paranoid but if I was injected I would feel it would I not?

What are your thoughts on HIV transmission through a poke?

I have looked at your testing page and it kind of agrees with another website, a test after 14-16 days is reassuring so I plan to get tested on the 18 day then sollow it up with a 31 day test.

Please advise.


Thank you for your question.

It is extremely unlikely a child would have poked you with a needle and you would definitely know about it if they had.

So yes you are being overly worried and paranoid about this.

Even if (a big if) this did happen then the likelihood that this would transmit HIV is again very, very small.

If you are still worried then go for an HIV test. A fourth generation test, will be conclusive for 95% of infections, 4 weeks after an exposure. A test after 12 weeks is more than 99.99% conclusive.


  1. emma

    Thanks Charlie, I am going to go for a test in 2 weeks – as I want to know my status then just follow it up again after another 2 weeks. Thanks for your help.