Q and A


Should I take another test?

I am a happily married men for 13 years with 1 partner. On a recent trip to the US I I paid a woman to have sex with me who was a massage therapist. Fortunately I did not sleep with her and managed to come to my senses. However for about 1 to 2 minutes my 2 fingers were in her virgina. Because she was dry she she applied some lotion on my fingers. I asked her to leave without going any further. I cant remember washing my hands therafter although I would have out of habit. The incident happened 14 weeks ago and since then I have had 2 HIV tests one on the 5th week the other on the 11th week and both were negative for all STIs. I have had no described symptoms and except for a very light cough and a bit of sore throat after about 5 days. This was after I got back to the tropics where I live. I have however been sick with anxiety and have had a dry mouth for about a month now. Do I need another test! Should I be worried!


Thank you for your questions.

You should be satisfied with the results of the two HIV tests that you have taken because they are conclusive. From what you have described, you do not need another test.

Please stop worrying because you do not have HIV.