
How accurate is an HIV test after 14 days?


I am really scared to take a HIV test. I feel sick every single day. I got drunk one night and had unprotected sex – this was 22nd August, then a week later I did the same thing.

My friend advised me of this website – I have plucked up some courage and plan to attend the clinic in 2 weeks. This would outrule my past exposures however would only be 18 days or 19 depending which day I go from the last one. I read a website freedom health and it says on there that a 28 test is good and conclusive with the p24 test, also a test preformed after 14 days is a good indicator?

I wanted to ask you myself if i take a test at 18 -19 days is this a good sign I do plan to re take it again beginning of October.

Many thanks


Hi Steven,

Thank you for your question.

Testing for HIV is easy – it is not scary. It sounds more that you are worried and anxious because of the chance of HIV.

The only way to put your mind at rest is to test. About 99% of tests in the UK are negative – HIV is a difficult virus to catch. Getting a test with help you feel more in control and will also give you the chance to talk to a health work about any other questions..

Fourth generation HIV tests that include a p24 test can pick up an infection after 16 days in some people and will pick up 95% of infections 4 weeks after an exposure.

So even though you are soon after the risk, UK guidelines recommend testing now, and then again four weeks later. If the first test is negative, this is a good sign that will help put your mind at rest.

This link has more information about different HIV tests.

Note: This answer was updated in January 2017 from a question first posted in September 2010.


  1. Simon Collins


    Please use this link to ask a new question.

    Please note that i-Base no longer answer questions about HIV testing or HIV transmission.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Raymond,

    PEP needs to be taken within a maxim time of 72hrs after a possible risk. Therefore, there is no point in you taking PEP now. Is the person who you had sex with positive? If they are, are they on medication?

  3. Raymond

    Dear Sir/Ma, Anything wrong if someone decides to administer HIV drug after sexually intercourse where there was condom break? It’s two almost two weeks after. Can HIV be cleared with the drugs just in case?
    I will appreciate your urgent response.
    Thank you.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joj,

    Please see question 1 and 8 here:

  5. joj

    Condom breaks while having sex with a lady whom I suspect to be HIV positive. We were under the influence of alcohol. I went for rapid test after 33 days of exposure it was negative and again I perform the same test after 51 days of exposure it was also negative. After 68 days, I feel most of HIV symptoms such as headache,sore throat,body aches and loss of appetite. Does that mean Ii’m positive ???I will go and test again after 2 days and again after 2 weeks.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sani,

    Please see question 1 here:

  7. Sani

    Please I had a test after 14 days of having an unprotected sex and the result is nagative, does this mean I’m safe? Because I’m still in worry

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tony,

    Please see question one here: