Q and A


I am worried by a recent news report

I have been positive for a year now, its taken some time to feel ok with it but im getting there, my confidence in treatment etc has grown and starting to beleive I will be ok.

Howeve I have just read in the daily mail of a nurse who contracted HIV from a patient seven years ago and has now died? I thought with treatment etc this was a thing of the past.

Can you explain this to me as its really got me down after reading it.


I’m glad that you are slowly coming to terms with HIV. It does get better, and it does take time. It is understandable when some stories will still be upsetting.
The things you have read about the positive effects of treatment are true. Many studies estimate that for many people this should be similar to an HIV-negative person, (ie see this question on life expectancy).

A small percentage of people still have HIV-realted problems. I haven’t seen the article but many things could have complicated the case.

Perhaps, drug resistance, or difficulty with adherence or tolerability, or just being unlucky. It is important to remember that HIV still needs to be taken seriously.

HIV-postive people are at slightly higher risk for many regular serious illnesses, and so doing other things to maintain good health (not smoking, diet, exercise, only moderate use of alcohol or recreational drugs etc), will also minimise the risk of these complications.


  1. Simon Collins

    In general, different strains of HIV-1 – called ‘clades’ or ‘sub-types’ do not reduce the way that treatment works.

    Access to treatment is more important that the sub-type, and many countries only have one or two choices of combinations.

  2. Tori

    I have just read that report on the internet and it seems that the nurse got an African strain virus, I don’t know if that makes a difference. Take care x

  3. Paolo

    I am glad to read this message Simon, as I just read the news yesterday and indeed got me very worried… After almost 8 months I am finally coming to terms to accept my condition and with the medication my health is great. thanks again for this wonderfull website that is giving me so much strength !!!
    thanks to you all.


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