
Is it true that HIV doesn't survive long outside the body?


I was told that hiv virus if it is not in vacuum, i mean on surfaces, dies within minutes. Is it true?
thank you for your answer


Yes, HIV is quickly killed on contact with air.

You are probably right that within a few minutes, outside the body, any fluid that contained HIV is quickly non-infectious.

Other viruses – for example hepatitis B and C – remain infectious for much longer.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joseph, HIV will not be active outside of the body for more than 1-2 minutes. This only occurs when still in wet bodily fluids. If you come into contact with dry blood/saliva even within this time there is no risk of transmission.

    For more information about transmission please see here:

  2. Joseph

    Can someone share what do you mean by few minutes. Is it 1-2, <5, <10, <60, etc. Please .

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Leonard, HIV is not transmitted this way. Here’s a link to ways HIV is not transmitted. Guidelines for treatment around the world recommend starting treatment at any CD4 count. A CD4 count shows the strength of your immune system, which is the target of HIV. Here’s an introduction to HIV treatment (ART) for your Mom to read. It’s good that you are giving her support to start ART. Is ART easy to access where you live?

  4. Leonard

    My mom is positive and my child swallowed a tissue with her blood, are there any chance of her to be infected with the virus? And how should she gets a treatment?


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