Q and A


What are the differences between 3rd and 4th generation elisa tests


Thank you for your question.

All the answers you need are on this page


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Manish,

    Please see quesiton one here:


  2. Manish

    plz provide me all generation of elisa in some details

  3. Simon Collins

    Please see this FAQ page for questions about HIv testing:

    Or in this online guide:
    HIV testing and risk of transmission

  4. Gun

    Is 4 th generation Elisa test accurate after 6 months

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Yes. Fourth generation is accurate enough to detect 95% of infections after 28 days. Both are still accurate after 3 months (when they detect more than 99.99% of infections.

  6. Rob

    Are they both accurate after 3months ?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    The 3rd generation tests look for antibodies (the body’s immune response), 4th generation tests look for antigens (proteins from the virus itself) as well as antibodies. This means the fourth generation test is more accurate in a shorter time as it does not only rely on the speed at which the body can generate an immune response.

  8. rob

    Hi it doesn’t quite say what the differences are? Could you tell me?